average cost of a maize palm processing plant

average cost of a maize palm processing plant
  • average cost of a maize palm processing plant
average cost of a maize palm processing plant
average cost of a maize palm processing plant
average cost of a maize palm processing plant
average cost of a maize palm processing plant
  • How much maize does PFJ produce per acre?
  • This indicates that an average participant and non-participant will generate maize output of 4.1bags and 3.4bags per acre from their production, respectively. The finding of Pauw ( 2022) found relatively higher maize yield (40%) and profitable maize production among participants of PFJ programme in Ghana. ).
  • How much does it cost to cultivate a maize farm?
  • On average, it costs participant and non-participant of GHS2,007.21 ($341.78) and GHS1,793.36 ($305.37), respectively, to cultivate one acre of maize farm in the study area. An average of GHS2,285.05 ($389.09) and GHS1,928.10 ($328.31) per acre was obtained as revenue to participant and non-participant of the programme.
  • How much money do maize farmers make per acre?
  • ). On average, participants earn additional revenue of GHS356.95 per acre and accrued net profits of GHS143.2 ($24.38) per acre. The study indicated that an average participant spends an additional GHS213.85 ($36.41) to produce an acre of maize.
  • Why are maize prices so high?
  • Higher maize prices serve as an incentive for farmers to increase production, thereby increasing the likelihood of participating in the programme. Thus, farmers are enthused to produced more maize for better price at the market.