cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon

cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
  • cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
cottonseed oil mafor in cameroon
  • What is the potential market for cottonseed in West and Central Africa?
  • C4 countries already have a potential market of 400 million consumers in West and Central Africa. The value of fibre obtained from one tonne of cottonseed is three to four times greater than the combined value of oil and cake (the solid mass remaining after the oil has been pressed from cottonseeds) obtained from seed processing.
  • Why is the Société de development du coton du Cameroon (SODECOTON) important?
  • In Cameroon, for example, the Société de développement du coton du Cameroun (Sodecoton) has been shielded from huge losses that affected other West and Central African countries, mainly thanks to cross-subsidization resulting from its profitable cotton oil trade.
  • Which countries eat cottonseed oil?
  • Most cottonseed oil produced in C4 countries is consumed locally. However, all four countries import edible oils, mainly palm oil. The consumption share of edible oil from cottonseed in the C4 is close to 50% and is even higher in Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali.
  • What is the consumption share of cottonseed oil in the C4?
  • The consumption share of edible oil from cottonseed in the C4 is close to 50% and is even higher in Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali. The Cotton Roadmap Project aims to expand the consumption of cottonseed oil in the C4 countries.