with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory

with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
  • with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
with top quality peanut oil expeller from factory
  • What is peanut oil expeller?
  • Peanut oil expeller is a little similar to the meat grinder nowadays. When pressing, peanuts are put into the grinder, and high pressure and strong force are added as the screw turns and moves. Then the perforated screen separates the peanut meal from peanut oil.
  • Why do we use a cleaning machine for peanut extraction?
  • A cleaning machine is used in the peanut oil extraction process to clean the batches of harvested peanuts and remove foreign materials such as leaves, nodes, weed seeds, etc. This ensures that the oil is not contaminated and the process runs efficiently.
  • How is peanut oil extracted by mechanical pressing?
  • Peanut oil can be extracted using mechanical pressing, which yields approximately 85% of the oil. The remaining oil is extracted using the solvent extraction method. According to mechanical pressing technology, the peanut oil production process can be divided into three phases: peanuts preparation, pressing to extract the oil, and crude oil refining.
  • Why do we dehull peanut oil before oil pressing?
  • Dehulling before oil pressing is necessary to reduce the absorption of oil by the shell, increase the yield of oil, improve the processing efficiency of the peanut oil processing machine, and reduce equipment wear and tear. This results in improved cake quality and added value.